Frequently Asked Questions

Why choose Dwell?

Simply stated, Dwell has the best Property Managers. Each one has extensive expertise, so can provide guidance and insight. Their experience allows them to draw on our group programs to bring savings to your building, and as they are on site regularly, they stay up-to-date with your requirements. In this way, our property managers act as consultants, delivering the knowledge to ensure each job is done right, on time and on budget.

How many buildings do your Portfolio Managers have in their Portfolio?

Each of our Property Managers, on average, is responsible for eight buildings and about 800 units.

Are your Property Managers experienced?

Yes, we have a highly experienced team.  All our Property Managers have a minimum of three years of experience in the industry.  On average, those in our office have 10 years of experience.

How do you handle your after hours emergencies?

We know that problems arise outside of office hours, so all our Property Managers are responsible for their building after hours. We have a paging system that contacts the Property Manager directly to respond to emergencies. If the Property Manager is not able to respond within 15 minutes, the Managing Broker is alerted.

Do you cost more than other property management companies?

No, our prices are competitive. While our base fee may be higher than other management companies, we do not add additional service charges. In this way, you can budget for our fees more accurately, and receive better service.

Do you receive any additional commissions from third party contractors?

No. We are committed to providing the best service and the best options for the buildings we manage, honestly, reliably and transparently. Under no circumstances do we receive additional commissions from third party contractors.

How long do Property Managers stay with Dwell?

We are proud of the longevity of our Property Managers. Many of our Property Managers stay with the company for most of their careers. Our remuneration along with a reduced portfolio of buildings makes us one of the most desirable places for Property Managers to work and thrive.

Do you provide assistance in guiding the Strata Corp. with a long-term plan?

Yes, all our Property Managers act with diligence to implement the capital plans in the depreciation report or to assist the Strata Corp. in obtaining one.

Do your Property Managers come on site to meet contractors? 

Yes, we are actively involved in the day-to-day management of the properties in our portfolio, and meet contractors on site, to ensure all work is planned and managed effectively and efficiently.

Do you provide online assistance to Strata Corps?

All the Strata Corporations we manage are fully automated online. We offer full interactive websites to all the owners in buildings we manage.

Are you locally owned?

Yes, we are proud to be a locally owned and operated business.